All Saints Episcopal Church
Portland, Oregon
Restoration and Rebuild of Geo. Jardine & Son, 1892
II / 12 stops • 15 ranks
This Jardine organ was built in 1892 for Watts de Peyster Memorial Methodist Church in Tivoli, New York, and it is their Op. 1121. It was purchased through the Organ Clearing House, rebuilt and installed by Bond Organ Builders in All Saints’ Episcopal Church in 1984.
Some additions and tonal changes were made at that time: the Swell 4’ Principal and Great 4’ Flute were interchanged, the Great Cornet replaced a Dulciana, and the Swell Flautino and Trumpet replaced an Open Diapason. The Trombone was added to the Pedal. The original hand bellows were restored and were used one Sunday morning when a power failure put the electric blower out of action.
Swell (Expressive)
8’ Clarinet Flute
8’ Clariana
8’ Stopped Diapason Bass
4’ Harmonic Flute
2’ Flautino*
8’ Trumpet**
8’ Open Diapason
8’ Melodia
8’ Stopped Diapason Bass
4’ Principal
2’ Fifteenth**
III Mixture**
II Cornet T.C.*
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Swell to Great
16’ Bourdon
16’ Trombone**
* Pipes installed by Bond
** New pipes installed by Bond